Sebring Transport
Sebring Transport is our general freight division that hauls among other things, shoring, scaffolding, steel plate, lumber, machinery, steel beams, cement k-rail, rebar, freeway signs, pilings and forms products. We specialize in making timed deliveries of these products to an array of construction sites that depend on specific delivery times to coordinate their cranes, forklifts and crews to efficiently build their projects, whether it be a luxury high rise in San Francisco or L.A. or a water treatment plant in Seattle. There are often many changes on each project requiring emergency shipments as well as delivery time changes on existing shipments, therefore we constantly strive to be flexible and adapt to those changes quickly, providing a minimum of down time.
Sebring currently has approximately over 60 trucks and 75 trailers that enable us to be nimble in the minute-by-minute, ever changing needs of the construction and service industries. We also furnish a fleet of 27’ trailers and bobtail trucks for smaller shipments that deliver to tight areas that larger trucks can’t access.